mscripts' Clinical Programs help your pharmacy go beyond the prescription

mscripts’ Clinical Messaging enhances your health and wellness offerings through personalized digital interventions.

Tactics that improve immunization rates

Flu outreach

mscripts’ flu program identifies patients who should receive a flu shot and messages them at exactly the right time, increasing immunization rates at your pharmacy. The program educates patients about the flu, lets them know they can get a flu shot at your pharmacy, and delivers micro-targeted flu reminders to patients.

In 2016, mscripts’ Flu Programs converted 14% of previously vaccinated patients and had a 30% click-through rate to education links in the message.

How does it work?

The messaging engine identifies patients who are eligible and optimizes message deliveries to remind patients to get a flu shot when they are most receptive.

mscripts can set logic in place to target outreach via the following filters:

  • Geographic location

  • Prescription history

  • Demographics (age, gender)

  • Flu outbreak patterns

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our proven results.

Multi-series Vaccines

Staying on top of vaccinations is critical for patients, yet studies show that multi-series vaccines experience low completion rates of 25-60%. mscripts’ multi-series vaccine reminders increase awareness of immunization services, give patients visibility into their dosing schedule, and remind them when it is time to get their next in-store immunization.

Our programs establish multiple touch points with the patient to ensure they return for their follow-up doses within the dosing schedule timelines. We remind patients after they receive their first dose and when they are due for follow ups. Messages can include links to education, pharmacy scheduling and contact information, and allow patients to opt out of further communications at any time.

Condition-specific pharmacy adherence programs


Sometimes patients just need a little nudge. ReviveRx is an adherence program for patients who are late-to-fill prescriptions for specific conditions or disease states such as diabetes, hypertension or high cholesterol. 

How effective is it? In a single month, ReviveRx drove 40% of messaged Metformin patients back on therapy. 

mscripts algorithms remind non-adherent patients who are lapsed by 15 days or more to fill their prescriptions. Beyond reminders, we can also include links to education or in-person pharmacy counseling offers to further support their efforts to get healthy.

These messages can be targeted by:

  • Refills remaining

  • Expired or zero fills


Programs are accompanied by detailed reporting on immunization outreach results, including:

  • Number of patients messaged
  • Total number of messages delivered
  • Number of each message type delivered
  • Average number of messages delivered per patient
  • Conversion rates for messaged vs. filled vs. sold
  • Number of additional refills/new fills generated
  • Click-through rates to any external websites referenced within the program messages

Interested in learning more about mscripts' Clinical Programs?

Get in touch with us