Sponsored Adherence is delivered through the mscripts pharmacy mobile technology platform using best-in-class text, app and web patient communications.

Patient engagement tactics

We help patients stay on track with their medication regimen by addressing key elements of non-adherence: cost, forgetfulness, and education. To mitigate these problems, we enrich prescription refill and pickup reminders with education videos, prescription coupons, additional refill reminders, and other adherence tactics—all delivered directly to a patient’s phone, email, or mobile App at critical points in therapy:

The value of mscripts pharmacy network

Improved adherence

Patients using the mscripts mobile platform are 2.9x more adherent.

Fill more scripts

An average of 55% of patients receiving refill reminders will request a refill.

Patient convenience

73% of patients prefer to refill their scripts via text message.

What makes mscripts' Sponsored Adherence solution work

Patient engagement

Sponsored Adherence messages activate a network of patients who have opted-in to pharmacy reminders and want to receive health messages in real-time.


Sponsored Adherence messages are delivered in real-time and integrated into the pharmacy messaging stream.


For pharmacies and manufacturers, participation in the Sponsored Adherence program increases patient adherence by providing patients with education content and financial support to manage their condition. In 2016, patients who received sponsored messages exhibited a 20% increased adherence rate over patients who did not receive sponsored messages.

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